Infusion of inspiration from an exemplar of empowerment
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A Pastor In Peril

Hidden Secrets

Hidden Secrets Exposed: Deliverance at Last!

Since I became a Christian many years ago, one of my greatest desires has been to transparently demonstrate to others that God is living in my life. Let me tell you how this desire came about. When I was in primary school, the notion of “secrets” started to intrigue me. […]

What Are You Really Hungry For?

Is eating too much cake sinful? Well, you might not think it merits so serious an accusation; and yet you also know – from anecdote or experience – that too much of anything can leave you feeling as though you’ve let yourself down. Yourself…or God! As I’ve mentioned in other […]

Saved by God - and Mustard

Saved by God – and Mustard!

Reflecting back on the decades, I seem to see a pattern emerging from my life; and, from that pattern, a message. It is this: until we accomplish our mission, we are indestructible! Allow me to unpack and interpret that a little. Quite simply, God has placed us on Planet Earth […]


Overcoming loneliness

By common agreement, loneliness is among the greatest of the social challenges that our country faces: a recent (2023) report revealed that over 9 million UK citizens are afflicted by it at any given time. And arguably the worst time is when we are old. I have not been old […]



Last year, I had cancer of the oesophagus. How did this horrible thing happen to me? And, more important, why? – Was it a quirk of fate? A flaw of biology? A malign sign of Satanic machination? Evidence of my own sin? Having asked myself these questions for months, I […]